Statewide Reach for Local Impact


Our students both general education and those receiving service through students with disabilities have a daily struggle to maintain calm bodies and have open minds to meet grade level expectations and independent and social emotional goals as stated in their education plans.
Many of our classrooms need behavior charts and the need for increased SEL services. The lack of self-management skills/strategies, the struggle to stay in the classroom due to behaviors those who have no regulation of emotions, staying on task due to the lack of attention disorders or frustration grade level expectations (lower quartile of our population /students being monitored for potential services needed) will be the students that this grant will be designed for.
The goal is to provide materials for our special education classrooms (autistic ( 2) separate class (2) special education through support facilitation, and lowest quartile( those being monitored for services) and children in the general education classrooms k-5 with the need for the skills listed above.

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Creative Changes

Starke Elementary School 
Lisa Kolmetz 
Students Impacted:
Pre K - 5 
September 14, 2023

0% Funded



Only $1,000.00 Needed


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Our students both general education and those receiving service through students with disabilities have a daily struggle to maintain calm bodies and have open minds to meet grade level expectations and independent and social emotional goals as stated in their education plans.
Many of our classrooms need behavior charts and the need for increased SEL services. The lack of self-management skills/strategies, the struggle to stay in the classroom due to behaviors those who have no regulation of emotions, staying on task due to the lack of attention disorders or frustration grade level expectations (lower quartile of our population /students being monitored for potential services needed) will be the students that this grant will be designed for.
The goal is to provide materials for our special education classrooms (autistic ( 2) separate class (2) special education through support facilitation, and lowest quartile( those being monitored for services) and children in the general education classrooms k-5 with the need for the skills listed above.


What will be done with my students

This grant request is difficult as it does not use or have Florida standards that I can list. I request this as Florida is in the process of improvement of social and emotional skills with no standards but uses 5 competencies which include: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision-Making. Also, as stated on it states that for every dollar invested we get 11 in return. SEL also has been stated to show 11% in academic achievement. Significant reduction in conduct problems, emotional distress, and drug use.
This program is also an incentive token economy that allows for students to improve abilities in decision making, becoming aware of their mistakes and the desire to change the behaviors, the beginning to understanding of responsibility of a paycheck for the efforts that you put into your work, token economy changes through time it changes. Having changes in the token economy to harder goals increases the child’s ability to grow even more to expectations and learning that we have to work hard even without the “reward.”
In the classrooms at Starke Support Facilitation teachers along with collaboration of classroom teachers and other support staff will discuss the behavior that is in need of work, create a specific planned chart with student for student buy-in. The plan will be supported with fidelity. The materials ordered within this grant and materials that are already in place at Starke will continue. We have implemented several plans already and have had success with student behaviors.
Building a walkway and classroom for our students with the sensory objects and ability to have movement through the walkway to the classroom will allow students the ability to regulate emotions through movement and in a structured format. This will allow for our students to regain composure and balance to be able to return to the classroom engaged in learning


Benefits to my students

A structured classroom often translates to a safe classroom, one where students can enjoy themselves and focus on learning. In a structured learning environment, students are more likely to thrive and experience personal and academic growth. The structured classroom will result by the implementation of the sensory room, behavior bonuses that will be given to student through the materials being bought, and these tools will help improve the goals and objectives for our students with disabilities in their plans. Our Starke Family has asked me to write this grant with hopes that we will get the grant to improve our campus with more engaged students and ability to help our teachers keep our learners improving and gaining more emotional control which then leads to more academic growth. Thank you  


Budget Narrative

Flexible seating, sensory tools light filters, body cards chair bands, fidget motivators are all supplies for our sensory room/hall
candy, snacks and trinkets will be used for our bonus motivators for our behavior charts  



# Item Cost
1 light filters $47.00
2 sensory floor pathway $23.00
3 body gross cards $23.00
4 chair bands $21.00
5 flexible seating $100.00
6 candy $300.00
7 snacks $200.00
8 fidget motivators $100.00
9 trinkets 1.25 each $186.00
  Total: $1,000.00

0% Funded



Only $1,000.00 Needed


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