Statewide Reach for Local Impact


DeLand High School Marine Science students will learn the techniques to culture several species of single celled algae in a lab. The goal is to ensure all sections of Marine Science at DHS will understand how to build, maintain, and monitor lab grown algal culture while utilizing proper lab protocols.

Related Marine Science Standards:

• evaluate the cost and benefits of renewable and non-renewable resources such as water, water motion, wind energy, fossil fuels, marine life , and algae (bio-fuel)
• identify marine examples of renewable resources and the costs and benefits of their use
• evaluate the potential environmental impacts resulting from the use of renewable and/or nonrenewable resources including how algae is used commercially.
Describe how human population size and resource use relate to environmental quality.
Evaluate the impact of biotechnology on the individual, society and the environment.
Assess the effectiveness of innovative methods of protecting the

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Building Class Culture: The Science of Growing Algal Cultures

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DeLand High School 
Daniel Luby 
Students Impacted:
September 14, 2023

0% Funded



Only $1,000.00 Needed


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DeLand High School Marine Science students will learn the techniques to culture several species of single celled algae in a lab. The goal is to ensure all sections of Marine Science at DHS will understand how to build, maintain, and monitor lab grown algal culture while utilizing proper lab protocols.

Related Marine Science Standards:

• evaluate the cost and benefits of renewable and non-renewable resources such as water, water motion, wind energy, fossil fuels, marine life , and algae (bio-fuel)
• identify marine examples of renewable resources and the costs and benefits of their use
• evaluate the potential environmental impacts resulting from the use of renewable and/or nonrenewable resources including how algae is used commercially.
Describe how human population size and resource use relate to environmental quality.
Evaluate the impact of biotechnology on the individual, society and the environment.
Assess the effectiveness of innovative methods of protecting the


What will be done with my students

Students will:
1. Culture samples of algae. Some species may include Thalassiosira sp., Skeletonema costatum, and Thalassiosira pseudonana.
2. Learn and execute stringent protocols for lab-based culture inoculation.
3. Continuously asses and monitor culture growth, health, and quality.
4. Become acquainted with water quality assessment and testing.
5. Utilize the cultures for various experiments throughout the school year. Examples of algae use may include:
x Feeding class aquaria
x Cell count microscope exercises
x Growth rate experiments
x Alternative Energy Potential
... and much MORE!



Benefits to my students

Some benefits of students learning Algal culture include:
x Collaboration
x Hands On Learning
x Exposure to proper lab techniques
x Knowledge of water quality and how water parameters support life.
x Understanding how to use various pieces of equipment
x Exposure to sterilization techniques.
x Discovering the various uses of algae in disparate industries including aquaculture, food, and energy.
x Hypothesizing new was to utilize algal culture.
Because algae grow quickly, they will be able to understand the usefulness as a renewable natural resource (unlike more labor-intensive farming, i.e. ethanol from corn).


Budget Narrative

The algae culture must be transferred by inoculating loops to the glass carboys which, in turn must be lit through a system of grow lights.  



# Item Cost
1 Thalassiosira pseudonana culture + medium $135.00
2 Thalassiosira sp. culture + medium $135.00
3 Skeletonema costatum culture + medium $135.00
4 Grow light system $300.00
5 Glass Carboys 3 gallon (x3) $60.00
6 Inoculating loops $200.00
7 PVC $35.00
  Total: $1,000.00

0% Funded



Only $1,000.00 Needed


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