Statewide Reach for Local Impact


Apply language and behaviors that are appropriate to the target culture in an authentic situation.

Describe various products across cultures (e.g., food, shelter, clothing, transportation, music, art, dance, sports and recreation, language, customs, traditions, literature).

WL.K12.IH.8.1: Compare similarities and differences between the target language and own language.

WL.K12.IH.8.1: Compare similarities and differences between the target language and own language.

Compare the cultural traditions and celebrations that exist in the target cultures and other cultures with own.

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¡Mis quince!

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Spruce Creek High School 
World Languages 
Maria Paula Mantilla 
Students Impacted:
September 7, 2023

50% Funded



Only $500.00 Needed


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Apply language and behaviors that are appropriate to the target culture in an authentic situation.

Describe various products across cultures (e.g., food, shelter, clothing, transportation, music, art, dance, sports and recreation, language, customs, traditions, literature).

WL.K12.IH.8.1: Compare similarities and differences between the target language and own language.

WL.K12.IH.8.1: Compare similarities and differences between the target language and own language.

Compare the cultural traditions and celebrations that exist in the target cultures and other cultures with own.



What will be done with my students

I want to organize a traditional Latin American quinceañera party in each period of class. I envision sending out invitations, explaining all the steps where they are the participants. Identifying a student to represent the quinceañera, dress as such, and have other students play the roles of family and friends. This way, they can visualize each of these moments and the significance they hold in Latin American culture.

A quinceañera party, also known as a "quinceañera," is a significant celebration in Latin American culture that marks the transition of a girl into adulthood. Below, some of the important moments in a quinceañera party are described:

Grand Entrance: The quinceañera makes a spectacular entrance to the party, often accompanied by her father or a close family member. This is an emotional and symbolic moment that marks her presentation to society as a young adult.

Quinceañera Waltz: The quinceañera dances the traditional waltz with her father or a chambelán. Sometimes, a choreographed waltz is performed with friends and family, adding a special and fun touch to the celebration.

Shoe Change: The quinceañera changes from flat shoes to high heels, symbolizing her transition from girl to woman. This moment typically takes place during the party.

Crown and Scepter: The quinceañera receives a crown and scepter, symbolizing her role as the queen of the party. This is another special moment during the celebration.

Father-Daughter Dance: The quinceañera dances a special song with her father, often emotional and meaningful.

Dance with Chambelanes: The quinceañera typically has a group of chambelanes (companions) who accompany her on the dance floor at different moments during the party. These dances are often choreographed and full of energy.

Dancing and Entertainment: The party continues with music, dancing, and entertainment for the guests. Often, there is a DJ or a band to liven up the celebration.

Farewell Dance: The quinceañera usually has a final dance with all the guests before the party ends.

These are some of the important moments in a quinceañera party, but it's important to note that celebrations can vary depending on the region and the personal preferences of the quinceañera and her family.



Benefits to my students

In addition to Spanish, in my classes, we share information about Latin American culture. There is a very important event that also coincides with the students' age and interests, and that is the 15th birthday party of girls, the "quinceañera." In addition to reading the text that explains the event, I think it would be important to recreate a quinceañera party, involving the students in each of the events that this birthday celebration entails. I am sure that experiencing something like this will help them understand Latin culture much better. 


Budget Narrative

Producing the party invitations, buying the dress, tiara, and crown. Purchasing outfits for family and friends. Buying the traditional quinceañera doll, purchasing sneakers and shoes. Buying the necessary items to recreate the serenade. 



# Item Cost
1 Dress $200.00
2 Invitations $100.00
3 Doll $50.00
4 Flowers $100.00
5 Candles $100.00
6 Tiara $100.00
7 Shoes $100.00
8 Ring $50.00
9 Lights and decoration $100.00
10 Serenata $100.00
  Total: $1,000.00

50% Funded



Only $500.00 Needed


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