Statewide Reach for Local Impact


This project will level the playing field and enable all our elementary students to access current robotics technology and use this technology to design, build, and program robots to successfully compete in robotics competitions. Older students teach younger students robotics skills so all students benefit.

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Leveling the Playing Field in STEM and Robotics

grant photo
Claywell Elementary School 
Lisa Lawson 
Students Impacted:
Pre K - 5 
September 7, 2022

0% Funded



Only $1,999.45 Needed



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This project will level the playing field and enable all our elementary students to access current robotics technology and use this technology to design, build, and program robots to successfully compete in robotics competitions. Older students teach younger students robotics skills so all students benefit. 


What will be done with my students

This grant will enable students to prepare for life by honing communication and leadership skills as students work to collaborate while using and improving critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students will navigate the engineering design cycle in teams in designing and building Spike robots and learning to successfully code the robots in response to challenges posed. Our current robots are inadequate in quantity and the technology is so outdated it places our students at a distinct competitive disadvantage in both learning current technology and in successfully competing in district and other robotics competitions.
Other benefits include enhanced academic content knowledge and stronger vocabularies due to hands-on engineering and design experiences and direct application of math and science concepts such as learning about angles to code the appropriate turns in robot mazes and using all four mathematical operations as well as scientific principles to determine the distance covered by one revolution in movement and how many revolutions are needed to cover a given distance measured by students. Engagement levels naturally produced in robotics carry over to all academic areas and benefit all students as they eagerly share connections made from robotics to math, science, STEM, and other classes. 


Benefits to my students

Students will develop robot design and building skills and problem-solving, collaboration, communication, leadership, and programming skills as they deepen their understanding of the engineering design cycle and share this knowledge with others.
Students will successfully compete in district and other competitions with robots comparable to those of other competing teams and will have a great chance of success by using current technology.
Students' test scores in math, science and English Language Arts will increase by at least 15% and will be at levels deemed proficient by the state of Florida by the end of the school year. Enrichment opportunities that enhance communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills provide cross-curricular academic as well as motivational benefits for all students.


Budget Narrative

The budget includes 5 Lego Education SPIKE Prime Robotics kits that are $359.95 each. It also includes 2 LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Expansion sets that are $109.95 each. The vendor put together a quote that includes a promo code which must be included in any purchase order for a discount of $20.20 to get the budget within the required limit. 



# Item Cost
1 Lego Education SPIKE Set $359.95
2 Lego Education SPIKE Set $359.95
3 Lego Education SPIKE Set $359.95
4 Lego Education SPIKE Set $359.95
5 Lego Education SPIKE Set $359.95
6 Lego Education SPIKE Prime Expansion Set $109.95
7 Lego Education SPIKE Prime Expansion Set $109.95
8 Discount Code P6C1BBRTPS $-20.20
  Total: $1,999.45

0% Funded



Only $1,999.45 Needed



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