Suncoast Credit Union

The Project Explore Program is a unique and non-traditional post-secondary program for adults with disabilities. In partnership with Lorenzo Walker Technical College and Moorings Park we strive to provide the students with an inspiring, real-world environment that promotes hands-on learning in many different areas of interest. We find this strategy increases not only employability skills but independence, self-advocacy, self-esteem, and character building. Our goal is to help shape our students to be productive, respected, and happy adults within our community.

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Work Compensation for Independent Spending

Lorenzo Walker Technical College 
Special Needs Students 
Bridget Parliament / Anne Fredette 
Students Impacted:
Adult Ed. 
September 13, 2022


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Mary Grace Day - $1,980.00


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 8

This grant is extremely meaningful to the instructors of Project Explore and so appreciated by our students. The students truly love working and learning but being able to "pay" them and give them a bonus for hard work truly allows them to feel dignity and purpose. It also allows them to feel what it is like to receive compensation for a job in addition to budgeting. The shopping trip has historically been a favorite experience for students. Often times they don't get to shop with friends independently. It's a great bonding experience as they help each other pick out items as well as price shop at various stores for the best deal. We can't THANK YOU enough for this grant! 

grant photo

grant photo


Original Grant Overview


The Project Explore Program is a unique and non-traditional post-secondary program for adults with disabilities. In partnership with Lorenzo Walker Technical College and Moorings Park we strive to provide the students with an inspiring, real-world environment that promotes hands-on learning in many different areas of interest. We find this strategy increases not only employability skills but independence, self-advocacy, self-esteem, and character building. Our goal is to help shape our students to be productive, respected, and happy adults within our community.  


What will be done with my students

The Project Explore students are given the opportunity in our " classroom" to explore job areas of interest at the Moorings Park retirement community. The students are provided an opportunity to explore various fields in the workplace on a campus of 83 acres. While at work students are held accountable to specific standards set by the instructors and the Moorings Park expectations. Students will be evaluated daily while at work. They will continue to work on goals that have been developed specifically for their individual needs and areas of growth. Specifically, students will be evaluated in areas such as appearance, work ethic, showing initiative, completing a task in a timely manner, etc. The students will have the ability to earn a dollar per day at work. While earning money students are also getting the opportunity to learn about budgeting and accurately recording their income. We deepen their understanding about paychecks and the importantly vocabulary that pertains to this concept such as gross pay, net income, taxes, etc. At the end of the year students will then be able to spend their earned money with a class trip to a store of choice. We were so grateful to have received this grant last year. It has proven to be such a success in enforcing optimal work ethics among our students. We have also added an evaluation piece to our compensation and are going to focus more on work like evaluations as well as surprise bonuses for going above and beyond! These evaluations are very valuable as the contain all our program standards. Students have been increasingly motivated to receive an excellent evaluation.  


Benefits to my students

Our goal is to help consistently reinforce expectations with a compensation program. We believe this incentive will help promote confidence, increase motivation, and ultimately get them prepared for future jobs. In addition to, students will be able to learn about budgeting, planning and saving, independent spending, and will ultimately increase their knowledge about compensation in the workplace. The shopping trip has historically been such an amazing experience. Students who have never been able to pay for things independently get to have that feeling and it brings them such joy. Students also learn about price comparison amongst stores along with helping others around them find items they are looking for!



Budget Narrative

# Item Cost

Fall Semester 50 Full Days x $1.00 per day x 8 students = $ 400

Evaluations per student Total @ $15.00 8 students x $15.00 x 2 Evaluations = $ 240

Spring Semester 65 Full Days x $1.00 per day x 12 students = $ 780

Evaluations per student Total @ $15.00 12 students x $15.00 x 2 Evaluations = $360

Bonus Funds -$200

Total: $1980



# Item Cost
1 Fall Semester 50 Full Days x $1.00 per day x 8 students $400.00
2 2 Evaluations per student Total @ $15.00 8 students x $15.00 x 2 Evaluations $240.00
3 Spring Semester 65 Full Days x $1.00 per day x 12 students $780.00
4 Evaluations per student Total @ $15.00 12 students x $15 x 2 Evaluations $360.00
5 Bonus Funds $200.00
  Total: $1,980.00


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union