Suncoast Credit Union

My goal for this project is to provide students with the materials needed to stand and learn or present their ideas in our classroom.

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Stand Up for Learning!

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Veterans Memorial Elementary 
Marsha Colbert 
Students Impacted:
July 21, 2022


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Support Education Specialty License Plate - $316.00


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 45

The stand-up desks in our classroom have been a HUGE hit! All of our students love to use them, but it's clear that some of my more active boys have enjoyed them the most. These desks allow them to collaborate with a partner as well. This has increased their ability to focus and stay on task with their work.

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Original Grant Overview


My goal for this project is to provide students with the materials needed to stand and learn or present their ideas in our classroom. 


What will be done with my students

Students will have the opportunity to use one of five learning stations as needed daily. The learning stations will be made up of adjustable height standing desks. These desks will be used throughout the entirety of the school year. Additionally when we present our writing or debate different topics, these desks can be used as podiums. 


Benefits to my students

Standing up while learning has been known to be an effective way to enhance memory and focus. Often times students struggle paying attention while seated. Providing them the option of standing and learning will help them to be more successful and feel more energized and alert in class. All students will benefit from having the option of using one of the 5 learning stations as needed throughout the day. 48 total students and 1 teacher will benefit from this grant. 


Budget Narrative

This budget is to request funds for five adjustable height stand up desks that will be purchased from Amazon. There is no shipping and the total price for the desks today is $316.00. 



# Item Cost
1 5 Adjustable Height Stand Up Desks $316.00
  Total: $316.00


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union