Suncoast Credit Union

Students will understand how civics, history and geography impact their lives. They will gain a better understanding of the United States and the world! Students will be even more interested in the social studies topics because they will see where these topics impact our real world. And become informed citizens and voters.

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Getting to Know the USA and World.

Gulfview Middle 
Social Studies 
Andrew Svec 
Students Impacted:
August 7, 2021


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Glenn Church - $186.78


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 120

Students were able to read the magazines and get an experience with our world.  They were used to supplement and enhance our learning. Way too often, students are given information and do not see the connection to the real world. Students are now more able to make connections with both the past, present and possible futures because of this wonderful tool. Many students have submitted articles to me so that the rest of the class can be engaged.  Fridays after quiz or test we like to get together and have chats.  The discussions at first were limited but as the this year has progressed they are gleaning more and able to share more.  Thank you for this gift. 

In each magazine there is aways a "Civics" component that also helps reinforce what has been learned.  This is so vital because it makes Civics come alive.  

grant photo

Student learning about Black History Month.

grant photo

Student learning about Black History Month.


grant photo

Student finished and ready to talk about what she


Original Grant Overview


Students will understand how civics, history and geography impact their lives. They will gain a better understanding of the United States and the world! Students will be even more interested in the social studies topics because they will see where these topics impact our real world. And become informed citizens and voters.  


What will be done with my students

I teach Civics (7th grade). It is essential that students see the relevance of what is taught in my course and how this knowledge impacts the understanding of the world in which we live. Students will read and do activities that relate to current events and happenings in our country and the world. Ideas and concepts taught in class, will have more significance, as the students will realize the impact of the history and civics in our world. These monthly magazines will become part of our classroom library. This is needed so students will better understand the impact of social studies education in their lives. 


Benefits to my students

The magazines will be used to supplement and enhance our learning. Way too often, students are given information and do not see the connection to the real world. This connection is essential to understanding our political and community they are interacting in. By having these magazines available, students will be able to see the application of social studies! The issues of this magazine take current topics and historical topics and make them "student-friendly" for understanding and application.

Some of the topics for the first half 2021-2022 include:
Civics : A Day in the Life of a President; The Fourth Branch of Our Government: You; How the Supreme Court Works; Teens in Office (local government)
History: Remembering 9/11; The Real Story of Cleopatra; The True Story of the Founding Fathers; The Princess Who Toppled a Dynasty
There are sections on Current Events and Debate Topics. All of these enable students to use their social studies and language arts skills to learn more about our world and apply what they have learned in class.

Social Studies is everywhere, and students need to have this foundation to better understand and contribute to our society. Become better informed citizens and I hope to make sure avid future voters.


Budget Narrative

Junior Scholastic (20 print magazines with digital access X $8.49 per student + Shipping and Handling 10%)

Item Total$169.80
Shipping & Handling$16.98
Total Price$186.78 



# Item Cost
1 20 Scholastic Magazines at $8.49 $186.78
  Total: $186.78


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union