Suncoast Credit Union

Build classroom library with current titles that students can relate to. Ensure class novel study comes in both languages to support EL students to feel empowered to read.

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Give a child a story to dream and learn!

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Laurel Oak Elementary 
Language Arts 
Patricia Auriana 
Students Impacted:
July 19, 2021


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Perna-Rose Foundation for Hope - $314.65


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 21

My students are loving this book. It is such a joy to be able to read it all together as a class novel study. It is especially heart warming to have my EL students be able to read it in the native language and be active participants in the discussions. THank you so much for your amazing gift!

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Original Grant Overview


Build classroom library with current titles that students can relate to. Ensure class novel study comes in both languages to support EL students to feel empowered to read.  


What will be done with my students

Novel study ( Esperanza Rising) that comes in both English and Spanish to ensure entire class is incorporated in learning. Build classroom library with titles that will ensure all students feel they have a place in the classroom.  


Benefits to my students

Encourage love of reading and work on reading comprehension strategies to strengthen overall understanding of what is being read while incorporating cultures into classroom library.  


Budget Narrative

Total cost of 314.65 which includes 24 English versions and 5 Spanish version of the book Esperanza Rising and other English - Spanish books plus shipping and handling.  



# Item Cost
1 Esperanza Rising ( Set of 4) 6 sets $209.70
2 Esperanza renace ( 5 books) $29.95
3 English- Spanish titles $50.00
4 shipping and handling $25.00
  Total: $314.65


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Suncoast Credit Union