Suncoast Credit Union

My goal is to engage students in learning about food chains and food webs by letting them dissect owl pellets.

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OWLstanding pellet power!

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Veterans Memorial Elementary 
Heather Van Osten 
Students Impacted:
July 16, 2021


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Perna-Rose Foundation for Hope - $93.00


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 20

These owl pellets allowed the students to get a real life understanding of the food chain, as they were able to examine the pellets that contained particles of what owls ate. This helped further the students' understanding more than any video or book could. 

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Original Grant Overview


My goal is to engage students in learning about food chains and food webs by letting them dissect owl pellets.  


What will be done with my students

Via videos, books, and activities, students will participate in learning about food chains and food webs and then will have their final activity, the dissection of "mystery pellets." They will use tools to dissect owl pellets, and will use a bone identification chart to help identify the "ingredients" of their pellet.


Benefits to my students

Students learn best when they are engaged, and they are able to recognize what they are learning, in the real world. Dissecting owl pellets not only covers 4th grade science standards (1. Explain that animals, including humans, cannot make their own food and that when animals eat plants or other animals, the energy stored in the food source is passed to them. 2. Trace the flow of energy from the Sun as it is transferred along the food chain through the producers to the consumers) but it also allows them to engage in a hands-on activity that allows them to see this information in a "real world" format.


Budget Narrative

The price of this will include 30 sets of owl pellets, forceps and wooden tools. 



# Item Cost
1 1 class set of 30 pellets and tools $93.00
  Total: $93.00


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Suncoast Credit Union