Suncoast Credit Union

All Students within the modified curriculum classes at Golden Gate High School will develop attitudes of cooperation, responsibility, self-esteem, self-confidence, motivation, an understanding of the value of work by creating a successful, sustainable vegetable garden that is beneficial to everyone involved, including students, teachers, faculty/staff and parents.

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Gardening at the Gate

Golden Gate High 
Special Needs Students 
Juan Fish 
Students Impacted:
July 31, 2019


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Perna-Rose Foundation - $471.57


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All Students within the modified curriculum classes at Golden Gate High School will develop attitudes of cooperation, responsibility, self-esteem, self-confidence, motivation, an understanding of the value of work by creating a successful, sustainable vegetable garden that is beneficial to everyone involved, including students, teachers, faculty/staff and parents.  


What will be done with my students

By integrating gardening into the curriculum, students will be given hands-on experiences to enhance the Transition curriculum and Access Biology/ Algebra curriculum both in the classroom and in the courtyard garden.
1. Since we have already been allowed to use two raised beds in the courtyard at GGHS for our vegetable garden, the next step is for the students to design their garden. They must decide how to utilize the space, research which type of vegetable grows best southwest Florida and when it should be planted.
2. A maintenance schedule must be developed to see which students will be tending the garden each week.
3. Students will decide if they will begin from seeds or starter plants. If seeds will be used, the seeds will have to be germinated in the classroom and then later transplanted when the correct age and size approaches.
4. Students must prepare the soil in the planting beds. Students will till the soil manually using garden rakes, hoes and shovels to add in purchased bags of organic fertilizer and compost.
5. Students will get down in the soil to plant each planting.
6. Daily observations will occur to weed , measure and chart plant growth.
7. Students will decide the best time to harvest their vegetables.
8. Share the bounty!


Benefits to my students

When investigating the benefits that our school garden will have on each of our students within Modified Curriculum, there are four areas of focus:
1. Academic Achievement: science is the most obvious subject area linked to our garden. Using the scientific method, students will nurture the plant from the seed to table. Math skills will be incorporated through measurement, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division from laying out and planning the garden to daily charting of plant growth to harvesting each crop.
2. A Healthy Lifestyle: the garden will provide life lessons in how to choose and maintain healthy eating habits.
3. Career Experience : Through gardening students become responsible caretakers. They are engaged in agricultural practices that include understanding water conservation, identifying and growing vegetables, weeding, fertilizers and pesticides and using garden tools.
4. Community and Social Development: Students will see how a garden can provide times of cooperation and responsibility with their peers. While working outside during hot Florida days students will work together to weed, water and harvest. They must develop patience, an understanding of nature and pride in their efforts. Sharing their harvest and accomplishments with our school and their families should provide a time of interaction.



Budget Narrative

The above list is for all necessary materials to begin our vegetable garden at Golden Gate High School. Most materials will be purchased at Walmart which had the best comparative costs. 



# Item Cost
1 Garden Tool Organizer $27.99
2 Lawn and Garden Sprayer $10.99
3 Organic Vegetable Food $44.95
4 Organic Potting Soil $78.00
5 Silicone Shoe Covers $65.73
6 Foam Kneeling Pads $14.95
7 Garden Tools $80.89
8 Assorted Vegetable Seed Packets $23.97
9 Assorted vegetable plants $94.50
10 Tomato Cages $29.60
  Total: $471.57


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Suncoast Credit Union