Suncoast Credit Union

This goal will benefit students in three third grade classrooms. The goal for students is for them to be enthusiastic about their purpose for reading and writing, as they create an opinion paper that will use text-supported evidence to support their opinion as to which animal would win in a battle.

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Who Would Win it? A Reading and Writing Battle!

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Veterans Memorial Elementary 
Language Arts 
Heather Van Osten 
Students Impacted:
July 9, 2019


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Perna-Rose Foundation - $153.13


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 55

This series of books is a popular favorite among students. When students can write about something they are interested in- it's a win-win for all involved: the teacher gets a writing piece and has the students reading, and the students are reading something they are interested in! These books were divided between three third grade classrooms. Each book was focused on two animals, gave details about both animals, and then those details would help the student to determine which animal would win in a battle. First, the teacher modeled a book and the class was able to form teams as to who each team thought would win, and then they had to have a class debate, supporting their opinion. Then, the students would write about their opinion, giving evidence from the text, as to which animal they think would win.  

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One team discussing their choice

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A second team discussing their choice


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The books purchased


Original Grant Overview


This goal will benefit students in three third grade classrooms. The goal for students is for them to be enthusiastic about their purpose for reading and writing, as they create an opinion paper that will use text-supported evidence to support their opinion as to which animal would win in a battle.  


What will be done with my students

Each "Who will win it?" book focuses on two animals, gives facts about each animal, and these facts will help students decide which animal would win in a battle based on the supporting evidence. Students will choose a book of their liking, and partner up with another student to read together. After the reading, students will choose, based on the facts in the story, the animal that they think will be the winner of a battle. They will have to take notes on their reading, and then write a opinion paper about which animal they think the victor would be, and why. After their task, students will find out who the victor is in the author's opinion! 


Benefits to my students

Engagement is a key factor is what motivates children to learn and be successful. This activity sets a reading and writing purpose that will engage the students and will motivate them to want to read, and to want to write as well! Some benefits to my students will be: comprehension of non-fiction text, comparing and contrasting, note-taking, paraphrasing, writing, editing, revising, and publishing. 


Budget Narrative

This budget of $153.13 will include the cost of six sets of 8 "Who Will Win It?" books, along with the tax. Shipping is free.  



# Item Cost
1 Who will win it? value set- 6 packs $143.64
2 tax $9.49
  Total: $153.13


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Suncoast Credit Union