Suncoast Credit Union

Students enrolled at Beacon High School will be able to identify courses, standardized assessments, concordant assessments, overall graduation requirements and determine post-secondary goals and actions needed to be successful.

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Next Step to the Future

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Alternative Schools 
Milagros Lee 
Students Impacted:
July 25, 2016


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Christy Ruschel - Realtor - $138.00


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 411

The number of students enrolled at Beacon, an alternative school, is ever changing.  I enroll and graduate students throughout the school year and summer.  Originally, I anticipated that this grant would serve 180 students, when in reality 411 have benefited from the funds provided. Thank you!!

Beacon High specializes in helping students meet graduation requirements.  In order to do this, I provided each student with an individualized graduation checklist indicating which courses he/she has completed, their grade point average, number of credits earned to date, State exam results and any courses/requirement still needed for graduation. Out of our 180 seniors, 85 have already met graduation requirements.  Our underclassmen are working hard earning credits and preparing for their State exams.

I also provided each student with an ACT/SAT self generated testing calendar, pull out sessions and helped students register for the exams. Admission tickets were printed out with the student's picture for their test day along with a checklist of items/suggestions. All of our 2017, anticipated seniors, have been registered to take the ACT/SAT.

Classroom flyers were provided with FSA and FAFSA information.  The students and their parents were informed of the importance of acquiring an FSA ID and completing the FAFSA.  Students were assisted in creating FSA ID's and starting the FAFSA application.

Students come to my office to discuss post-secondary options.  We review addmission details for schools in and out of State, depending on where they would like to attend.  Several students have also decided to stay after school to work on college applications.

Students are well informed, registered to take important exams, have an FSA ID, completed their FAFSA forms and started preparing for their lives after high school.


Original Grant Overview


Students enrolled at Beacon High School will be able to identify courses, standardized assessments, concordant assessments, overall graduation requirements and determine post-secondary goals and actions needed to be successful. 


What will be done with my students

Students will meet with me individually to determine which graduation requirements still need to be met. They will receive a graduation checklist indicating which goals have been met and those still needing attention. Students will be well informed of testing dates and assisted in determining which date(s) best suits their schedule to take the SAT/ACT. Pull out sessions will be scheduled to help the student register for the ACT/SAT, take their picture for their admission ticket, and print out their ticket. Pull out sessions will be handy in helping the student apply for their FSA ID, be informed and instructed about the FAFSA, college options-state colleges/universities, vocational schools, and overall requirements. Students that have specific post-secondary goals in mind, will be assisted in researching their individual school/track needs. 


Benefits to my students

Students at Beacon are at great risk for dropping out. My students receive individualized attention and direction. They are given realistic data which helps them develop a better vision of their current situation and future possibilities. A well informed student has a better chance of developing into a successful member of society. 


Budget Narrative

The colored paper will be purchased in four different colors, one for each grade of students we serve at Beacon (9-12). The ink cartridges will go into the printer that will be used to print the admission tickets (color) and any handout required by the student. 



# Item Cost
1 Paper - colored-four colors $40.00
2 Ink cartridge-black - one $48.00
3 Ink cartridge-color-one $50.00
  Total: $138.00


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union