Suncoast Credit Union

This grant is designed to create fluent readers. Fluency is defined as achieving speed, accuracy and proper expression while comprehending the text. Research shows that there is a direct link between Readers’ Theater and increasing fluency due to the practicing of individual parts.

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Next Stop...Broadway!

Calusa Park Elementary 
Language Arts 
Karin Reinbold 
Students Impacted:
September 7, 2015


Thank you to the following investors for funding this grant.


Rick & Renee Balsey - $100.00

Ray & Karen Harman - $25.00

Lawrence & Sharyn Harris - $25.00


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 60

This grant was designed to create fluent readers. Fluency is defined as achieving speed, accuracy and proper expression while comprehending the text. Research shows that there is a direct link between Readers’ Theater and increasing fluency due to the practicing of individual parts. Approximately 60 students benefited from these booklets this year. Each of my groups is based on the students’ reading levels so the groups were able to read plays at their reading level. When I introduced the play, we went over the vocabulary so that they would be familiar with the words and what each word meant. Then each student was given a role. Character parts were color-coded which created cues for the students. When we read the play for the first time, we worked with decoding skills as we learned the more challenging words. After practicing the play at school and then at home for several nights, students became more fluent. We put on the play for their class and other classes. When our show was over, the students critiqued their performances. As the students practiced the text, they were actually practicing their fluency. They were reading with prosody, reading the words with good phrasing, feeling and accuracy. The repeated readings allowed them greater sight word mastery, as well. As their mastery and fluency became stronger, their comprehension increased. After all, comprehension is what students must achieve. As we worked with the different plays, the students’ writing skills were enhanced since they were exposed to literature that was well-written. They also learned more about the conventions of the English language. Readers' Theater was also a confidence building experience, since they received applause and compliments for their hard work. What a fun-filled learning experience!

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We are reading over our parts.

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Reading, reading, and reading to get it right!


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Practicing to make it perfect!

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Readers' Theater is fun!


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We LOVE Readers' Theater!


Original Grant Overview


This grant is designed to create fluent readers. Fluency is defined as achieving speed, accuracy and proper expression while comprehending the text. Research shows that there is a direct link between Readers’ Theater and increasing fluency due to the practicing of individual parts. 


What will be done with my students

Being an ELL Resource Teacher at Calusa Park Elementary, I see approximately 30 students every day. Each group is based on the students’ reading levels so choosing the appropriate play is imperative. When I introduce the play each student will select their role. Parts are color-coded creating cues for the child. When we read the play for the first time, we will work with decoding skills as we learn the more challenging words. After practicing the play at school and then at home for several nights, the will become more fluent. The students will put on the play for their class. When our show is over, we will critique our performances. Once we are pleased with our presentation we will perform the play for another class. 


Benefits to my students

As the students practice the text, they are actually practicing their fluency. They are reading with prosody, reading the words with good phrasing, feeling and accuracy. The repeated readings will allow them greater sight word mastery. As their mastery and fluency become stronger, their comprehension becomes greater. Comprehension, after all, is what we want our students to achieve. As we work with the different plays, the students’ writing skills will be enhanced since they are exposed to literature that is well-written. They will also learn about the conventions of the English language. Readers' Theater is highly motivating and a confidence building experience, since they receive applause and compliments for their hard work. 


Budget Narrative

This request would include 12 titles. Each title consists of 6 booklets each, for a total of 72 books. As an ELL Resource Teacher for the school, I network with the various grade levels, so this grant would be an ideal resource for all teachers and students within our school. Thank you for considering this grant. 



# Item Cost
1 Readers' Theater Folk Tale Sets 1 & 2 $128.95
2 Shipping and Handling $18.05
  Total: $147.00


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Suncoast Credit Union