Suncoast Credit Union

The goal of this project is to provide my kindergarten students with additional exposure to learning the alphabet, consonants, vowels, letter sounds, blends, ending sounds, phonics, word sounds, rhyme, spelling, vocabulary and language development to meet English/Language Arts standards by the end of this school year.

Research has demonstrated how vocabulary development, along with a grasp of grammar and language structure early on, is linked to reading and math achievement.

My kindergarten team has the LeapFrog Reading DVD series and highly recommends that I get this valuable resource as a new team member. It has a 5-star rating and will benefit my Title I students who are emergent readers and require many opportunities working with letters and words in order to build a foundation in reading and writing.

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Leap Ahead with LeapFrog

grant photo
Avalon Elementary 
Language Arts 
Jane Keddie 
Students Impacted:
September 3, 2015


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Harlan & Heather Dam - $45.29


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The goal of this project is to provide my kindergarten students with additional exposure to learning the alphabet, consonants, vowels, letter sounds, blends, ending sounds, phonics, word sounds, rhyme, spelling, vocabulary and language development to meet English/Language Arts standards by the end of this school year.

Research has demonstrated how vocabulary development, along with a grasp of grammar and language structure early on, is linked to reading and math achievement.

My kindergarten team has the LeapFrog Reading DVD series and highly recommends that I get this valuable resource as a new team member. It has a 5-star rating and will benefit my Title I students who are emergent readers and require many opportunities working with letters and words in order to build a foundation in reading and writing.


What will be done with my students

The following is a sampling of the LeapFrog engaging learning activity experiences:
•Go on an adventure:
Join popular LeapFrog characters Leap, Lily and Tad on a wild adventure to the Letter Factory.
•Learn your letters:
Get practice recognizing all 52 upper- and lowercase letters.
•Build phonics skills:
Learn along with your puppy friends as they recognize letters and letter sounds.
•Blend consonants:
Learn how letters come together to form sounds and complete words.
•Time to rhyme:
Explore ending sounds with the rhyme master himself, Alistair Alphabelly.
•Learn word building:
Learn along as the Word Whammer, Sticky-Icky-O-Rama and more amazing machines take letters and make them into words.
•Play learning games:
Get extra practice with phonics and word building by playing interactive games.
•Sing-along songs:
Sing along the learning fun with catchy songs that help reinforce reading and problem-solving skills.



Benefits to my students

The LeapFrog learning difference!
•Recognize letters with confidence and have an easier time learning letter sounds and word spellings to become independent readers and writers.
•Expand their knowledge and imagination with characters and stories helping to support student’s language and vocabulary skills.
•Discover how letters build words.
•Practice consonant and vowel sounds and how they come together to form CVC words.
•As they read and build words, students learn that rhyming words have the same ending sounds and often share spelling patterns.


Budget Narrative

5 LeapFrog DVDs purchased from Walmart 



# Item Cost
1 Letter Factory DVD $8.53
2 Letter Factory Adventures™: Amazing Word Explorers DVD $9.49
3 The Amazing Alphabet Amusement Park DVD $7.50
4 Word Caper DVD $8.29
5 Learn to Read at the Storybook Factory DVD $8.91
6 Taxes $2.57
  Total: $45.29


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union