Walton Education Foundation

"To provide an interdisciplinary learning experience for students by merging artistic expression with STEM principles, fostering creativity, digital proficiency, and problem-solving skills. Through the 'Spartan Leaders: Bridging Art and STEM' project, we aim to produce a digital mosaic banner that encapsulates the essence of leadership and innovation while demonstrating the tangible outcomes of integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics in art."

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"Spartan Leaders: A Digital Mosaic of Aspiration"

grant photo
Walton Academy 
STEM Education 
Diana Armbruster 
Students Impacted:
October 9, 2023


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Florida Power & Light - $1,500.00


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 165

The outcomes of the "Spartan Leaders: Bridging Art and STEM" project include enhanced interdisciplinary understanding, improved digital proficiency, heightened problem-solving abilities, cultivation of creativity, application of theoretical knowledge, development of teamwork skills, a sense of community and shared achievement, boosted confidence, and acquisition of real-world skills essential for future pursuits.

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counting out and arranging tiles

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painting tiles


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putting things together

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completed digital banner


Original Grant Overview


"To provide an interdisciplinary learning experience for students by merging artistic expression with STEM principles, fostering creativity, digital proficiency, and problem-solving skills. Through the 'Spartan Leaders: Bridging Art and STEM' project, we aim to produce a digital mosaic banner that encapsulates the essence of leadership and innovation while demonstrating the tangible outcomes of integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics in art."



What will be done with my students

1. Integrated Learning Sessions:

Description: These sessions will fuse artistic and STEM concepts, allowing students to understand the interconnectedness of art, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Outcome: Students will grasp how STEM principles can be applied in artistic endeavors and vice versa.
2. Workshops on the Science of Colors and Materials:

Description: Here, students will explore how different materials interact, the science behind colors, how they mix, and how different colors can affect perception and emotion.

Outcome: A deeper understanding of the scientific principles behind the art materials they use.
3. Digital Tool Training:

Description: Students will be introduced to various digital tools and software that professionals use in graphic design, digital art, and even coding. This includes learning how to digitize their art and basic manipulations like scaling, cropping, and color adjustments.

Outcome: Digital proficiency and a foundational understanding of graphic design principles.
4. Mathematical Art Workshops:

Description: Dive into the mathematical concepts of symmetry, scale, proportions, and geometry, and how they can be applied in art. Students will then integrate these concepts into their individual artwork.

Outcome: Application of mathematical principles in artistic design, enhancing both their mathematical and artistic skills.
5. Individual Art Creation:

Description: Students will create their individual pieces on canvas, integrating the knowledge they've gathered from the previous sessions.

Outcome: A tangible piece of art that reflects their understanding of the integrated concepts.
6. Digitization Sessions:

Description: Each piece of art will be captured using digital cameras or scanners. Students will be actively involved in this process, learning about resolution, digital formats, and more.

Outcome: A digital version of their artwork and knowledge about the basics of digitization.
7. Digital Mosaic Creation:

Description: Using graphic design software, students will participate in combining individual pieces to create the cohesive "Spartan Leaders" mosaic banner. They'll learn about layering, alignment, and other digital design concepts.

Outcome: An understanding of digital design intricacies and the experience of collaborative digital creation.
8. Reflective Sessions:

Description: Students will discuss their experiences, challenges faced, and the skills they've acquired. They can also provide feedback for improvement.

Outcome: Enhanced self-awareness, critical thinking, and an understanding of their learning journey.
9. Unveiling and Presentation:

Description: Students will present the final digital mosaic banner, explaining the process and the STEM principles applied. They'll share their personal experiences and learnings.

Outcome: Improved communication skills, boosted confidence, and a sense of accomplishment.

November - Project Kickoff and Initial Workshops

Week 1:

Monday to Wednesday: Introduce the project, explaining its purpose and components.
Thursday to Friday: Initiate discussions on leadership and its representation in art.
Week 2:

Monday to Wednesday: Dive into the science of colors. Hands-on activities with paint mixing.
Thursday to Friday: Introduction to the basics of art techniques. Start sketching ideas.
Week 3:

Monday to Tuesday: Conclude sketches and begin the painting process on canvases.
Wednesday to Friday: Workshops on digital tools for art and their importance.
Week 4:

Monday to Wednesday: Continue with canvas paintings.
Thursday to Friday: Introduce photography basics to prepare for artwork digitization.
December - Art Creation and Initial Digitization

Week 1:

Monday to Friday: Students continue to paint on their canvases, refining their pieces.
Week 2:

Monday to Wednesday: Complete any remaining canvases.
Thursday to Friday: Begin photographing artworks, storing digital copies securely.
Week 3:

Monday to Wednesday: Wrap up photography sessions. Introduction to basic graphic design concepts.
Thursday to Friday: Winter break (a short pause in the project).
Week 4:

Winter break continues.
January - Advanced Digitization and Mosaic Creation

Week 1:

Monday to Tuesday: Return from break, review the project's objectives, and discuss next steps.
Wednesday to Friday: Lessons on digital assembly and creating a mosaic using graphic design software.
Week 2-3:

Monday to Friday: Guided computer sessions where students start assembling the digital mosaic. Discuss layout, alignment, and other design elements.
Week 4:

Monday to Wednesday: Conclude digital mosaic assembly.
Thursday to Friday: Reflect on the month's achievements and prepare for final month.
February - Final Touches, Reflection, and Prep for Unveiling

Week 1:

Monday to Tuesday: Final adjustments based on peer and teacher feedback.
Wednesday to Friday: Start planning the unveiling event.
Week 2:

Monday to Wednesday: Reflective sessions, where students discuss their experiences, challenges, and achievements.
Thursday to Friday: Finalize and send the mosaic design for banner printing.
Week 3:

Monday to Wednesday: Receive the printed banner and do quality checks.
Thursday to Friday: Prep the venue for the unveiling event and send out last-minute reminders.
March (up to Spring Break) - Celebration and Unveiling

Week 1:

Monday: Last-minute preparations for the unveiling ceremony.
Tuesday: The big reveal: Unveil the "Spartan Leaders" banner, and celebrate the students' achievements with a school event.
Wednesday to Friday: Spring Break begins.



Benefits to my students

1. Interdisciplinary Learning:

Description: By merging artistic creativity with STEM principles, students will experience an enriched learning environment that transcends traditional subject boundaries.
Impact: Broadened horizons, fostering a holistic understanding of the world, and preparing students for a future where cross-disciplinary knowledge is invaluable.

2. Enhanced Digital Proficiency:

Description: Through hands-on experience with graphic design tools and digitization techniques, students will acquire essential digital skills.
Impact: Improved readiness for higher education and careers in an increasingly digital world, and empowerment to use technology creatively.
3. Improved Problem-Solving Abilities:

Description: The challenges of merging art with STEM concepts will require students to think critically, innovate, and troubleshoot.
Impact: Enhanced cognitive abilities and resilience when facing complex challenges, both academically and in real-life scenarios.
4. Cultivation of Creativity:

Description: The project promotes artistic expression, encouraging students to visualize and execute unique designs.
Impact: A boost in creative confidence and a reinforcement of the idea that every student's perspective and voice is valuable.
5. Application of Theoretical Knowledge:

Description: STEM concepts often learned in theory will be applied practically during the project, providing tangible context.
Impact: Improved retention and understanding of STEM principles, and a realization of the real-world applications of classroom knowledge.
6. Enhanced Teamwork and Collaboration Skills:

Description: Creating the mosaic banner requires collaborative efforts, fostering communication, compromise, and mutual respect among students.
Impact: Development of interpersonal skills, critical for success in higher education, careers, and social scenarios.

7. Sense of Community and Shared Achievement:

Description: As individual efforts combine to form a collective artwork, students experience the power of unity and shared accomplishment.
Impact: Strengthened school spirit, a sense of belonging, and an understanding of the importance of individual contributions to collective goals.

8. Boosted Confidence and Self-Esteem:

Description: Successfully navigating the challenges of this project and showcasing their work will give students a sense of pride.
Impact: Increased self-belief, motivation to take on future challenges, and an understanding of their potential.

9. Real-World Skill Acquisition:

Description: From planning to execution, students will be exposed to skills (like project management, digital design, and presentation skills) that are highly valued in the real world.
Impact: A head start in acquiring skills that will be beneficial in future educational pursuits, careers, and entrepreneurial endeavors. 


Budget Narrative

Our budget for the "Spartan Leaders: Bridging Art and STEM" project is diligently crafted to accommodate 180 students while staying within the $1,500 boundary. Each allocation prioritizes the quality of the student experience, ensuring a balanced blend of art and STEM.

Art Supplies:

Canvas Panel (4x4): Every student will be given a canvas panel for their individual artwork. With each canvas priced at $1.00, the total sums up to $180.00.

Acrylic Paints (Assorted Colors set): Utilizing communal paint sets maximizes the color range without redundancies. This shared approach sums up to $450.00.

Set of Paint Brushes (Assorted Sizes): Brushes will also be communal, leading to a cost of $225.00.

Mixing Palettes: These palettes, essential for paint blending, come to a total of $90.00.

Sketchbooks (Small): These will aid in the initial planning and design, costing $270.00 collectively.

Pencil, Eraser, and Sharpener Set: These essential sketching tools will total $49.40, with shared sets in mind.

Additional Common Items for the Class:

Protective Table Cloths: Ensuring cleanliness during painting activities will cost $5.00.

Printing Paper: Necessary for mosaic test prints, the paper will be $10.00 for the required quantity.

Ink Cartridges: Considering potential test prints, we've allocated $15.00 for ink cartridges.

Unveiling Event Invitations: Emphasizing sustainability, we'll use digital invitations at no cost.

Total Expenditure: This revised budget brings our total to exactly $1,500. This careful resource distribution allows students to reap the full benefits of the "Spartan Leaders: Bridging Art and STEM" project, ensuring both individual creativity and team achievement are showcased. 



# Item Cost
1 Canvas Panel (4x4) $180.00
2 Acrylic Paints (Assorted Colors set) $450.00
3 Set of Paint Brushes (Assorted Sizes) $225.00
4 Mixing Palettes $90.00
5 Sketchbooks (Small) $270.00
6 Pencil, Eraser, and Sharpener Set $49.40
7 Protective Table Cloths $5.00
8 Printing Paper $10.00
9 Ink Cartridges $15.00
10 Unveiling Event Invitations $0.00
11 Making of vinyl banner w/grommets $205.60
  Total: $1,500.00


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners


The Alys Foundation

St. Joe Community Foundation

Florida Power & Light
