Walton Education Foundation

The goal of this equipment is increase student interest and participation in history and social studies projects. This will lead to higher grades, increased attendance, and more student engagement with projects. Students will be able to connect with the community by creating video content that can be published on the school website. Students will gain practical experience using technology.

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Lights!, Camera!, HIstory!

grant photo
Walton Intensity School of Excellence 
STEM Education 
Jeffery Riley 
Students Impacted:
October 14, 2020


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


CHELCO - $899.79


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The goal of this equipment is increase student interest and participation in history and social studies projects. This will lead to higher grades, increased attendance, and more student engagement with projects. Students will be able to connect with the community by creating video content that can be published on the school website. Students will gain practical experience using technology. 


What will be done with my students

Students will be able to use the video equipment to create a variety of video based projects. This will include video reenactments of historical events, student created dramas based on historical issues or topics in social studies. recordings of student presentations, and video communication with students that are distance learning. One example might be students writing a script and creating a video where they are participating in a civil rights protest from the 1960's. They would have to identify with the point of view of different people of the time in a deeper way than if they were writing a report or answering questions. having this project be a video instead of a play allows the students to share this work with a greater number of people. It also encourages participation from students that might be nervous to act in front of a group. 


Benefits to my students

Students will be more interested in their project. They will be able to learn new skills or make use of unique skills they already have while learning about history and social studies. Students that have difficulty learning in traditional ways will have a new way to connect to the class. Student work will be able to be shared more easily allowing students to learn from other students without disrupting class schedules or crowding classrooms. For example, a video from my high school US Government class could be used to teach a concept to my 7th Grade Civics class. Since this technology would not be used every day in my class. It would also be available to other teachers to use in their classes.  


Budget Narrative

The items to be purchased are a Go Pro Hero 9 camera, a remote control for the camera to allow a student to more easily film themselves, a 3-way grip to make it easier to hold the camera and provide a tripod, a media mod that connects a microphone and make it easier to film while moving, extra batteries to make it possible to film during more classes in a day, and a memory card to allow longer filming, and video editing software to turn the footage into a finished product. 



# Item Cost
1 Go Pro Hero 9 video camera $449.99
2 remote for Go Pro Hero 9 $79.99
3 3-way Grip for Go Pro Hero 9 $69.99
4 Media Mod for Go Pro Hero 9 $79.99
5 HERO9 Black Dual Battery Charger + Spare Battery $49.99
6 128 GB High Speed Micro SDXC $69.85
7 Corel Visual Studio Ultimate $99.99
  Total: $899.79


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners


The Alys Foundation

St. Joe Community Foundation

Florida Power & Light
